Monday, November 13, 2017

When you feel alone and hopeless, you try to find that one light. To find that "one light" either you go to your friends or you go to your phone and put your headphones on. This photo makes me feel like I have one last hope, and that's where the light is. I think of the song One More Light by Linkin Park when I see this photo. The sun setting is making me feel like that this sun is my last light of hope.

Then again, a picture can tell a thousand words. but really, it tells a story. One persons view of a photo could be different from the next person.

I took this photo outside on the side walk of SR-111. It was freezing outside and I wanted to get a photo of the sun setting on the other end of the road. This came out to be a long exposure then a landscape picture, then again it is a landscape photo.

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