Friday, November 24, 2017

Depression is a major problem in the world. We think that we can drink it away, but somehow it comes back around. I tried to turn the song title, One Man Drinking Games,  into a photo. The song is mainly about a breakup. 

The photo is a long exposure, there was a flash involved to freeze the subject then to light up the alcohol, I shined a flashlight to essentially, put a spotlight on the glass and the alcohol. There was a ton of trial and error.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

This photo is about the people who have done, did, and reflected on their decisions. The people reflect negatively will most likely become vulnerable and innocent. Although on the other hand, the people that reflect positively will see the light and succeed in anyway, shape, or form. Many people have done both reflections, but one is better then the other.

This photo was taken in my closet. In addition to the photo, I had to shoot with a mirror and a flash. I had issues with focusing and a lot of other problems.  With this photo, I had to black out the rest of the mirror and the inside of my closet.

Monday, November 13, 2017

When you feel alone and hopeless, you try to find that one light. To find that "one light" either you go to your friends or you go to your phone and put your headphones on. This photo makes me feel like I have one last hope, and that's where the light is. I think of the song One More Light by Linkin Park when I see this photo. The sun setting is making me feel like that this sun is my last light of hope.

Then again, a picture can tell a thousand words. but really, it tells a story. One persons view of a photo could be different from the next person.

I took this photo outside on the side walk of SR-111. It was freezing outside and I wanted to get a photo of the sun setting on the other end of the road. This came out to be a long exposure then a landscape picture, then again it is a landscape photo.